Saturday, November 3, 2007

"Border control Nazi" Lou Dobbs weighs in

For those of you who don't know Lou Dobbs, he is an economist who interprets the news in economic terms on his show on CNN. He is a little full of himself, IMO, but the man is clearly a patriot who says things because he believes they are in the best interest of America. Unlike other editorialists on TV, he is not a political shill for one of the parties.

He is against NAFTA and open borders because they drop the effective wages of the middle and lower classes --- the majority of America --- and contribute to an eventual loss of national identity and autonomy. If our borders with Canada and Mexico are slowly being dissolved, how can we efficiently make the financial corrections to the US economy that history has shown us we have to make from time to time?

Anyway, illegal immegration is his hot button and the idea of NY giving driver's licenses (a legal document) to illegal immegrants sets him on fire, so it is no suprise that he would be one of Hillary Clinton (and the Democrats) harshest critics on these issues.

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