Politico's political "Juice" rankings:
1) Hil Clinton --- The frontrunner in the elections, but a very soft frontrunner. SHe doesn't campaign well in close races.
2) Barak Obama --- A blessing from the good witch of Harpo has Obama primed to win Iowa and New Hampshire. If he takes both, edwards supporters (who are strongly anti-hillary, could easily join the swell and overtake Hillary.
3) Mitt Romney --- rising in Iowa lately and may pass the falling Huckabee. Only Huckabee and Romney are considered "politically acceptable" by the confeild faithful.
4) Mayor 9/11 --- Current GOP national frontrunner, but IMO a joke of one. He has no momentum at all. Biden's wicked tongue has ripped the only platform out from the former Mayor of NY; silencing Guilani's 911 mantra and leaving his faithful with no reason to vote for him. I expect a Dean-like implosion after Iowa.
5) Mike Huckabee --- Scandals and general meanness will cut Huckabee with both his conservative faithful and his moderate supporters. He still has little money to campaign beyond Iowa and, as such, remains a longshot in a national race. He has to win Iowa to get the "bounce to relevancy" whereas the filthy rich Romney can take a close second in Iowa and a media fueled win in New Hampshire and become the Rep. frontrunner...unless...
6) The Zombie John McCain --- Simple math. If Mayor 911 slumps following a Romney win in Iowa, Huckabee can't gain momentum outside of the state due to financial limitations, Fred Thompson proves a failed candidate and doesn't break say 10% in Iowa....that is darned near 50% of the republican nomination in play. The Religious Reich consider Mormonism a cult and Rudy G a male Hillary Clinton. If Huckabee and Thompson are proven financially and politically unviable, where else can that support go? Do not be suprised to see a lazarius-style resurrection of John McCain in New Hampshire. The McCain Zombie could come out of nowhere to steal the nomination.
7) John Edwards --- He has to win Iowa to have even a slim shot at this. I cannot see him overcoming Oprah, even with the help of kung fu fighter Chuck Norris. Technically, Edwards is surging, but Obama and Hil have more juice, so it doesn't show. Look for his implosion after Iowa to fuel anti-Clinton Dems joining Obama.
8) Joe Biden -- Biden is surging. Do not be suprised if he finishes 3rd in Iowa. The state has been bombarded with messages for almost a full year. Biden has the advantage of being a known commodity in the state. Logically he will do a little better than he has been polling for that reason. I think that, his strong knowelged of foreigh policy, and his total dismantling of Rudy Guilani might make him the perfect foil/attack dog for an Obama presidency. Peaking at the right time.
9)Richardson --- technically has less support than Thomspon, but is theoretically holding firm in Iowa. I would not be suprised to see him lose about half of his support to Biden on election day though. Biden has been through the state campaigning before. In a way Biden is "family"; That will be a hard pull vs. a guy who is showing no momentum. Still he has to be the front runner to be Hillary's VP.
10) Fred Thompson --- D.O.A. He really hasn't shown anything at all since declaring. He was brought in to be a ringer. His supporters support frontrunners. By the end of the Iowa race, it will be abundantly clear that he is not a frontrunner. His followers will have a choice of being politically irrelevant and letting two reprehensible candidates (romney and Guiliani, in their opinion) vie for the GOP slot or chose a viable 3rd candidate -- McCain or the imploding Huckabee.
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